Miss Bleakley introduces today's session about telling the time to the hour.
Miss Bleakley introduces today's maths lesson on months of the year.
Miss Bleakley introduces today's session about days of the week.
Miss Bleakley introduces today's session.
Today we are completing a maths quiz on our learning over the past few weeks.
Today we are continuing to count in multiples of 5.
Today we are counting in multiples of 5.
Comparing numbers with inequality signs.
Miss Kelly demonstrates counting in 2s.
Miss Kelly orders numbers to 50 and explains your task for today.
Miss Kelly has your task for today.
Miss Kelly refreshes your knowledge of counting one more and one less.
Miss Kelly looks at tens and ones within 50.
Miss Kelly explores representing tens and ones within 50.
Miss Kelly looks at numbers within 50.
Miss Kelly uses crocodile symbols to compare number sentences.
Watch the video explaining how to find fact families.
Miss Kelly explains subtraction and number bonds for today's task.
Miss Kelly explains how to subtract, crossing ten and your task for today.